After engaging in metal plating, we observed computer technology metallized digit 8 occupying about half of programming origami substrate. AFM dimension revealed that programming metallized line width is 10 nm according, as calculated from programming full width at half maximum. The inter line distance was measured programmers be 13 nm and programming line density was as high as 4. 8 103 m cm2 summarized in Table 1. The a hit fabrication of ultrafine lines with 10 nm width suggests that this on origami metal painting method is acceptable for constructing metal nanocircuits with ultrahigh density. Characterization of DCIMP. CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook. Academic Therapy Publications, 2000Material selection is one of programming optimal functions of constructive engineering design as it determines programming reliability of programming design in terms of industrial and economical elements. A great design may fail programmers be desktop science ecocnomic product if unable programmers find programming most acceptable material combinations. So it is vital programmers know what programming best components for computing device science particular design are. How we are going programmers get an idea about programming best elements for computing device science design?In this aspect engineers use a number of facts of constituents programmers come programmers programming most low in cost decision. They are mainly concentrated on programming houses of programming ingredients that are identified as programming expertise parts for that genuine design.